Source code for fairways.funcflow

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tools are for basic operations with mappings and iterables.
Chaining support to avoid intermediate variables.
Inspired by Underscore.js:
Despite that, a lot of methods have different naming and behaviour.

import copy
import collections
from functools import (partial as _partial, update_wrapper as _update_wrapper)

_LazyRegistry = {}

# def add_lazy(f, *args, **kwargs):
#     lazy = functools.partial,(f, *args, **kwargs)
#     setattr(_LazyRegistry, lazy)
#     return f

[docs]class add_lazy: """Decorator to register "lazy" option for method. :param mapping_lambda: Proxy (invocation protocol) which places "frozen" and "deferred" values in desired places. Two first (function and data) are pre-defined for dynamic values, remaining values are intended for frozen ones :type mapping_lambda: callable :return: Original function :rtype: callable """ def __init__(self, mapping_lambda): """Constructor """ self.mapping_lambda = mapping_lambda def __call__(self, f): def lazy(*args): def deferred_f(data): return self.mapping_lambda(f, data, *args) return deferred_f _update_wrapper(lazy, f) _LazyRegistry[f.__name__] = lazy return f
[docs]class FuncFlow(object): """ This class contains functions to operate with mappings and iterables. """
[docs] @staticmethod def deep_extend(*args): """Deep copy of each item into leftmost argument When attribute itself is a mapping or iterable, it would be copied recursively :args: `*args`: Mapping items to combine their attributes from leftmost to rightmost step-by-step. Note that the leftmost item will be updated during this operation! :raises TypeError: Unsupported type :return: Mapping where attributes are combined, rightmost args have higher precedence :rtype: Mapping >>> FuncFlow.deep_extend({}, {'name': 'moe'}, {'age': 50}, {'name': 'new'}, {'nested':{'some': 1}}) {'name': 'new', 'age': 50, 'nested': {'some': 1}} """ def clone_obj(item): if isinstance(item, return {k:v for (k, v) in item.items()} if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): return list(item) return None def iterator(item, i, iterable): obj = clone_obj(item) if obj is None: iterable[i] = item else: if isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping): iterable[i] = FuncFlow.deep_extend({}, obj) elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): FuncFlow.each(obj, iterator) iterable[i] = obj else: raise TypeError("deep_copy cannot handle this type: {}".format(type(obj))) args = list(args) dest = args.pop(0) for source in args: if source: for k, v in source.items(): obj = clone_obj(v) if obj is None: dest[k] = v else: FuncFlow.each(obj, iterator) dest[k] = obj return dest
[docs] @staticmethod def uniq(iterable): """Make set of distinct values from Iterable :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable :return: List of unique values. Note that values can be out of order :rtype: list >>> a = FuncFlow.uniq([1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 3]) >>> a.sort() # Note: order not guaranteed! >>> a [1, 2, 3, 4] """ if iterable is None: return None return list(set(list(iterable)))
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, iterfunc: f(iterable, iterfunc)) def filter(iterable, iterfunc): """Filter iterable members with a rule defined as a function :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable :param iterfunc: Rule to filter items, should return Truish value to select item into result :type iterfunc: Callable :return: Filtered subset :rtype: list >>> FuncFlow.filter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], lambda v: v % 2 == 0) [2, 4, 6] """ if iterable is None: return None return [item for item in iterable if iterfunc(item)]
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, iterfunc, memo: f(iterable, iterfunc, memo)) def reduce(iterable, iterfunc, memo): """Compute single result from iterable using supplied function :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable :param iterfunc: Function which receives item from source iterable and current value of memo and returns memo updated :type iterfunc: Callable (Any, Any) -> Any :param memo: Initial value of combined result :type memo: Any :return: Reduced item (its type depends on type of memo) :rtype: Any >>> FuncFlow.reduce([1, 2, 3], lambda memo, num: memo + num, 0) 6 """ for item in iterable: memo = iterfunc(memo, item) return memo
[docs] @staticmethod def extend(*args): """Swallow copy of each item. When attribute itself is a mapping or iterable, it would be copied "by reference" :args: \*args: Mapping items to combine their attributes from leftmost to rightmost step-by-step. Note that the leftmost item will be updated during this operation! :return: Mapping where attributes are combined, rightmost args have higher precedence :rtype: Mapping >>> FuncFlow.extend({}, {'name': 'moe'}, {'age': 50}, {'name': 'new'}) {'name': 'new', 'age': 50} """ # Note: In the current implementation it uses deep extend under the hood return FuncFlow.deep_extend(*args)
# args = list(args) # dest = args.pop(0) # for source in args: # if source: # dest.update(source) # return dest
[docs] @staticmethod def weld(*args): """Similar to deep_extend, but returns entirely new dict, wwithout modifications in a leftmost item. :args: \*args: Mapping items to combine their attributes from leftmost to rightmost step-by-step. All items will be unchanged. :return: Mapping where attributes are combined, rightmost args have higher precedence :rtype: Dict >>> FuncFlow.weld({'name': 'moe'}, {'age': 50}, {'name': 'new'}) {'name': 'new', 'age': 50} """ return FuncFlow.deep_extend({}, *args)
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, *keys: f(iterable, *keys)) def omit(data, *keys): """Build dict from the source mapping, without specified keys :param data: Source mapping :type data: Mapping :param \*keys: List of keys which should not present in result :return: Mapping where :rtype: Dict >>> FuncFlow.omit({'name': 'moe', 'age': 50, 'userid': 'moe1'}, 'userid') {'name': 'moe', 'age': 50} """ if data is None: return None return {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k not in keys}
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, *keys: f(iterable, *keys)) def pick(data, *keys): """Build dict from the source mapping, with specified keys only. This is opposite operation for omit. :param data: Source mapping :type data: Mapping :param \*keys: List of keys which should present in result :return: Mapping where :rtype: Dict >>> FuncFlow.pick({'name': 'moe', 'age': 50, 'userid': 'moe1'}, 'name', 'age') {'name': 'moe', 'age': 50} """ if data is None: return None existing = set(data.keys()) return {k: data[k] for k in keys if k in existing}
[docs] @staticmethod def contains(iterable, value): """Test whether iterable contains specified value :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable :param value: Value to search :type value: Any :return: Result of test :rtype: bool >>> FuncFlow.contains([1, 2, 3], 3) True >>> FuncFlow.contains([1, 2, 3], 1000) False """ return value in iterable
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, iterfunc: f(iterable, iterfunc)) def count_by(iterable, iterfunc): """Count items with grouping in accordance with rules :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable :param iterfunc: Function which map item to some group :type iterfunc: Callable :return: Mapping where keas are groups and values are items count per group :rtype: Dict >>> FuncFlow.count_by([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], lambda num: 'even' if num % 2 == 0 else 'odd') {'odd': 3, 'even': 2} """ result = {} for item in iterable: key = iterfunc(item) result[key] = result.get(key, 0) + 1 return result
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, iterfunc: f(iterable, iterfunc)) def each(iterable, iterfunc): """Apply iterable to each item. Note that this function returns no result! :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable[Any] :param iterfunc: Iterator function which receives 3 arguments -value, index or key, and the source iterable itself :type iterfunc: Callable(Any, Any, Iterable) -> None """ iterator = iterable if isinstance(iterable, dict): for key, value in iterable.items(): iterfunc(value, key, iterable) else: for i, value in enumerate(iterable): iterfunc(value, i, iterable)
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, iterfunc: f(iterable, iterfunc)) def every(iterable, iterfunc): """Returns true if all of the values in the list pass the predicate truth test :param iterable: Source :type iterable: Iterable :param iterfunc: Function which tests item and returns boolean value :type iterfunc: Callable(Any) -> bool :return: Test result :rtype: bool >>> FuncFlow.every([2, 4, 5], lambda num: num % 2 == 0) False >>> FuncFlow.every([3, 6, 9], lambda num: num % 3 == 0) True """ if iterable is None: return None return FuncFlow.reduce(iterable, lambda memo, v: memo and bool(iterfunc(v)), True)
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, iterfunc: f(iterable, iterfunc)) def find(iterable, iterfunc): """Looks through each value in the list, returning the first one that passes a truth test (predicate), or None if no value passes the test. :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable :param iterfunc: Function which tests item and returns boolean value :type iterfunc: Callable(Any) -> bool :return: First item which meets criteria :rtype: Any >>> FuncFlow.find([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], lambda num: num % 2 == 0) 2 """ if iterable is None: return None for item in iterable: if iterfunc(item): return item return None
[docs] @staticmethod def find_where(iterable, **properties): """Looks through the list and returns the first value that matches all of the key-value pairs listed in properties :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable :return: First item which meets criteria :rtype: Any >>> test_data = [ ... {"name":"John", "age":25, "occupation":"soldier"}, ... {"name":"Jim", "age":30, "occupation":"actor"}, ... {"name":"Jane", "age":25, "occupation":"soldier"}, ... {"name":"Joker", "age":50, "occupation":"actor"}, ... {"name":"Jarvis", "age":100, "occupation":"mad scientist"}, ... {"name":"Jora", "age":5, "occupation":"child"}] >>> criteria = {"age": 25, "occupation":"soldier"} >>> FuncFlow.find_where(test_data, **criteria) {'name': 'John', 'age': 25, 'occupation': 'soldier'} """ if iterable is None: return None result = [] for item in iterable: flag = True for key, value in properties.items(): if not item[key] == value: flag = False break if flag: # result.append(item) return item return None
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, iterfunc, *args: f(iterable, iterfunc)) def map(iterable, iterfunc=None): """Build new iterable where each item modified by function providen :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable :param iterfunc: Function which computes new item value using previous one :type iterfunc: Callable(Any) -> Any :return: Entirely new list with modified items :rtype: list >>>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], lambda num: num * 2) [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12] >>>{"a":1, "b":2, "c":3, "d":4, "e":5, "f":6}, lambda num, k: num * 2) {'a': 2, 'b': 4, 'c': 6, 'd': 8, 'e': 10, 'f': 12} """ if iterable is None: return None if isinstance(iterable, dict): return {k:iterfunc(v, k) for k, v in iterable.items()} return [iterfunc(item) for item in iterable]
# = lambda iterfunc: lambda iterable: map(iterable, iterfunc) # = lambda iterfunc: _partial(map, iterfunc=iterfunc)
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, iteratee: f(iterable, iteratee)) def group_by(iterable, iteratee): """Splits a collection into sets, grouped by the result of running each value through iteratee. If iteratee is a string instead of a function, groups by the property named by iteratee on each of the values :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable :param iteratee: Function which returns group for item (or a string name of key to group by it) :type iteratee: Callable(Any) -> Any :raises TypeError: Throws exception if second argument neither callable nor string :return: Mapping where keys are groups and values are lists of related items :rtype: Dict >>> FuncFlow.group_by(["London", "Paris", "Lisbon", "Perth"], lambda s: s[:1]) {'L': ['London', 'Lisbon'], 'P': ['Paris', 'Perth']} """ if iterable is None: return None if isinstance(iteratee, str): attrname = iteratee method = lambda v: v[attrname] elif callable(iteratee): method = iteratee else: raise TypeError() def grouper(memo, v): key = method(v) return FuncFlow.extend(memo, { key: memo.get(key, []) + [v] }) return FuncFlow.reduce(iterable, grouper, {})
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, iteratee: f(iterable, iteratee)) def index_by(iterable, iteratee): """Given an iterable, and an iteratee function that returns a key for each element (or a property name), returns a dict with a key of each item. Just like group_by, but for when you know your keys are unique. :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable :param iteratee: Function which returns key for item (or a string name of key to index by it) :type iteratee: Callable(Any) -> Any :raises TypeError: Throws exception if second argument neither callable nor string :return: Mapping where keys are groups and values are lists of related items :rtype: Dict """ if iterable is None: return None if isinstance(iteratee, str): attrname = iteratee method = lambda v: v[attrname] elif callable(iteratee): method = iteratee else: raise TypeError() def grouper(memo, v): key = method(v) return FuncFlow.extend(memo, { key: v }) return FuncFlow.reduce(iterable, grouper, {})
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, propname: f(iterable, propname)) def pluck(iterable, propname): """Enumerate unique values of key for all items in iterable :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable[Mapping] :param propname: Name of key :type propname: str :return: List of unique values :rtype: list """ return FuncFlow.uniq(, lambda v: v[propname]))
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, iterfunc: f(iterable, iterfunc)) def sort_by(iterable, iterfunc): """Sort items using function and return new list without modifications in a source one :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable[Any] :param iterfunc: Function which maps item to any value which is suitable for ordering (int, str, ...) :type iterfunc: Callable(Any) -> Any :return: New list :rtype: list """ return sorted(iterable, key=iterfunc)
[docs] @staticmethod def chain(object): """Wraps value in a chainable object which allows to apply FuncFlow methods sequentially. To unwrap the result, use .value property :param object: Source object :type object: Any :return: Chainable object :rtype: funcflow.Chain """ return Chain(object)
[docs] @staticmethod def size(iterable): """Return length of iterable :param iterable: Source iterable :type iterable: Iterable :return: Length :rtype: int """ return len(list(iterable))
[docs] @staticmethod def copy(iterable): """Make deep copy of iterable. Wrapper for chaining. Uses Python copy.deepcopy. Note that the source should support pickle operation :param iterable: Source iterble :type iterable: Iterable :return: New copy :rtype: Iterable """ return copy.deepcopy(iterable)
[docs] @staticmethod @add_lazy(lambda f, iterable, iterfunc: f(iterable, iterfunc)) def apply(object, func): """Apply function to entire object at once. Wrapper for chaining :param object: Source object :type object: Mapping | Iterable :param func: Function to apply :type func: Callable(Any) -> Any :return: Result of the specified function :rtype: Any """ return func(object)
[docs]class Lazy(object): """Chainable object which allow to return "lazy" or "frozen" sequence of operations for deferred invocation. """ def __init__(self): """Constructor method """ self.queue = [] @property def __name__(self): return "Lazy flow" def __getattribute__(self, name): lazy = _LazyRegistry.get(name, None) if lazy is not None: # log.debug("lazy found: %s", lazy) def wrapper(*args): # log.debug("wrapping: %s; %s; %s", lazy, name, args) closure = lazy(*args) self.queue.append(closure) return self return wrapper return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __call__(self, data): for processor in self.queue: data = processor(data) return data
[docs]class Chain(object): """ Chainable object which allow to return new instance of Chain after most operations of FuncFlow. :param object: Source object :type object: Mapping | Iterable """ def __init__(self, data): """Constructor method """ if data is None: raise TypeError('Cannot operate with NoneType!') self._data = data def _method(self, name): method = getattr(FuncFlow, name) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): data = _align_type(self._data) self._data = method(data, *args, **kwargs) return self return wrapper def __getattribute__(self, name): if name in dir(FuncFlow): return self._method(name) return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
[docs] def saveto(self, writer, slice=None): """Helper which allows to output intermediate result using writer function. :param writer: Function which outputs the current value of chain somwhere (console, file, etc) :type writer: Callable[Any] :param slice: Count of elements to limit output length, defaults to None :type slice: int, optional :return: chain object itself, without modification :rtype: funcflow.Chain """ data = _align_type(self._data) if slice: if isinstance(data, dict): data = { k:v for (k, v) in data.items()[:slice] } else: data = list(data)[:slice] writer(data) return self
@property def value(self): """Unwrap value of chain object :return: Current value of chain object :rtype: Any """ return _align_type(self._data)
def _align_type(data): if data is None: return data if isinstance(data, (int, bool, float, str, object, dict)): return data # if isinstance(data, dict): # return dict(data) else: return list(data) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()